Research Degree vs. Taught Degree

As you probably know, I an an advocate of research degrees. For one, they are cheaper, and for two you get to do research specific to your interests. However, as a foreign language teacher, a research degree is not a taught degree. In a research degree there are no classes on best practices. There are no classes on grammar. Therefore, if you feel your language skills are not up to par, study abroad in the summertime. Take some advanced language courses at your local college. Thepoint of the post graduate degree level is not to teach the language, but to use your language skills to propose research.

When thinking about post secondary options in foreign languages consider the following:

1. Do I want to learn more about the language?
2. Do I want to use the language to do research?
3. Am I looking to improve my language skills?

Depending on your answer, you will know whether you should pursue a research degree or a taught degree.


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