Centering Africa in Your Spanish Language Classroom
As intentional as I have been about finishing my dissertation, I have been reading up on centering Africa in my studies, and for me this means centering Africa in my Spanish language classes. If you ever wanted to know how to make Africa relevant in your Spanish-language classes here are some basic resources to start:
For Younger Readers
- Choose African writers to read to your class. I love El Viaje de Ilumbe by Alejandra Salmerón Ntutumu. It's a story about a young girl in Equatorial Guinea who goes on an errand for her mother. The characters are brown skinned with traditional dress and are very representative of an African-centered existence. There is also a video that provides a read a loud for the book.
- Potopoto is a digital collection of African stories centering African stories with examples from Equatorial Guinea. This initiative was started by author Alejandra Salmeron Ntutumu and supported via crowdfunding.
- Yo, Juan de la Pareja is a historical fiction text that explores the life of Juan de la Pareja, an acclaimed Afro-Spanish painter who was enslaved in Spain during the Spanish Golden Age and who earned his freedom in Italy. It is also available in English.
For Older Readers
- Lucia Asu Mbomio Rubio is a Afro-española, born in Spain to a Spanish mother and an Equatoguinean father. She is the author of Las que se atrevieron and Hijas del camino.
Trainings on Centering Africa for Educators and Parents
The US Federal Government awards monies to fund National Resource Centers Programs that are affiliated with universities and provide fellowships for studies in specific areas. Here is a map to find out what schools offer studies which areas.
- Boston University - Teaching Africa Teacher Certificate is for any educator who would like to learn more about Africa in a formal setting
- Howard University - Outreach and Professional development on Africa
- Howard University - Read Africa Initiative to provide balanced and culturally appropriate reading on Africa
- Outreach Association - Teaching Resources
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