Learning Languages in a Hurry

If you've ever read my profile, you'd know that the languages that I am interested in learning are, Portuguese and French.  Well, I'm currently taking a Portuguese language class the traditional way, butt-in-seat, but I'd like to try something different for French.  It's been ofter 14 years since I've taken a traditional French class, and I don't have the time to sit in a traditional French class, especially since I am working and traditional classes are not condusive to my work schedule.

Gabriel Wyner, an opera singer, gives the following advice on learning a language fast.

First you must learn the sound system of your own language (this makes sense).  Then you also must pick the most common words and make flashcards to review (to increase your vocabulary).  Your target will be 1,000 - 2,000 words.  Then you must use you new language extensively and then you must interact with native speakers or a community where the language that you are learning is dominant. 

Of course, I am over-simplifying it, but that is the jist.  Per my language teaching and learning experience, it sounds legit.  I will definitely try it for my French.  If you are interested, here is some more information about it below:




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