Travel . . . . for free

There's nothing better than getting paid to do what most foreign language teachers love to do . . . .travel. Check out these opportunities that may be of interest to you. Some of them are restricted to membership in a teaching organization, others are not . . enjoy!

Southern Conference on Language Teaching Scholarship
Most reside in a qualifying southern state
Must be a teacher and member of ACTFL or other like organizations
Application due November 1 of each year
Target countries are Spain, France, Ecuador, Mexico, German, Canada

ACTFL Scholarship (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)
Reserved for members of ACTFL and high school juniors and seniors
Travel to Mexico during the summers

AATSP Scholarship (American Association of the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese)
Must have been a member for two years
Summer travel to Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia, Costa Rica or Spain

AAL Scholarship (African American Linguists)
Stipend for language study

Abbey Road Program Summer Job
Get paid to take a group of high school students Spain, France, Italy, Greece and the U.S. Positions Available: Instructors, Program Directors, Program Coordinators and RAs.

Oxbridge Academic Programs
Looks for teachers, graduate students in the US and Europe to host middle school and high schools students in France and Spain. This is a summer position.


  1. If you like those, you'll love these too! :-D

    American Collegiate Adventures

    Academic Study Associates

    People to People Student Ambassador Program

    Musiker Discovery Programs


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