A cheap postgraduate degree in Spanish at the Universidad de Granada (Spain)

Hello there fellow teachers!

Today, I have great news to share.  I was accepted into the University of Granada located in Granada, Spain through a program especially for Spanish teachers in the USA and Canada.  As you know, I am all about teachers, specifically foreign language teachers, pursuing a degree that is financially feasible.   This degree is exceptional because it is a wonderful example of a postgraduate study abroad program for teachers.  Classes from this degree can also be used for teacher license renewal per the agreement with the Spanish Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Below is a excerpt from the acceptance email:

Estimado/a profesor/a:
Por la presente adjuntamos carta de aceptación y formulario de aceptación para el
Máster universitario para la enseñanza/aprendizaje del idioma español y su cultura
que tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Granada, del 9 de julio al 10 de agosto de 2007.
Consejería de Educación
Embajada de España en Washington DC

The first section of the program will take place from July 9 - August 2007.  Teachers will live on campus in dorms and take classes from university professors in Spain.  All lectures are in Spanish.  I am very excited.  This will be my second trip to Spain and most importantly, tuition for both summers will be $5,000!  The degree will pay for itself after 2 years!  I really recommend that teachers who need a pay increase look into this program.  It is a program that is conjunction with the Ministry of Education in Spain and the Spanish Embassy in Washington, D.C.


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